1931 About Our Dogs title About Our Dogs
Their Breeds and their Management

A. Croxton Smith, OBE, Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., GB, 1931 (1st edition)

With 448 pages, a very comprehensive book with chapters on the acquisition, keeping, care, feeding, training, breeding, rearing, showing and health of dogs. A chapter on the Sheltie incl. history and description of the breed make the book interesting for breed lovers.
There is a photo of the sable/white bitch Eltham Park Esmé, *14.03.1925, line BB & family 1 (Eltham Park Erling (= Farburn Major) x Eltham Park Emmie) breeder: Mr. E.C. Pierce, who became GB Champion in 1926 and was exported to Frederika Fry in the States at the end of 1926. There she received her US Champion title and according to Sue Ann Bowling (known for her extensive website on Sheltie lines, history, genetics and top US sires, +25.11.2014) she lives on through a son in some of today's US Shelties.
Unfortunately, I could not find the photo of Olafsen (Whithead's) mentioned by the author anywhere.

Original book extracts:
Ch. Eltham Park Esmé
Page 279-281:
Page 279 About Our Dogs
Page 280 About Our Dogs
Page 281 About Our Dogs

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